Death of the Pantages Theatre?

“They’re in the old tailor shop at 134 E Hastings tearing up the hardwood flooring, and salvaging timber. They’ve built pass-throughs from there into the old Blue Eagle at 130 E Hastings and into the building to the east, doing the same work – so basically all 3 of the low rise buildings in the land assembly. The worker I spoke to said they’re going to move east to the 2 storey building directly beside the theatre, then on to the theatre itself. Looks like only a matter of time now. I wondered since the For Sale signs dissappeared.”

From a citizen named Ron, on January 28th, 2011.

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I swear to God, if our current City Council lets this happen, they will live in shame for the rest of their lives…


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2 responses to “Death of the Pantages Theatre?

  1. Isn’t this the city council that ran on a “support the arts” agenda?

    Whose arts? The major studios’ and corporations’?

  2. This arrived in my messages today and I though you might find it interesting.

    “It has been awhile since the group has been active, but recently group member John Ziros has been active in promoting the cause. The building is now being prepped for demolition, and John has been working hard to bring attention to the issue one last time. From one of his posts to the group:

    “…I had a long meeting with a senior planning guy at City Hall. He was really informative and although demolition is imminent … there may be one last chance to stop it … the mayor & council. The demolition still has to be approved and with enough public attention – maybe they will make the right choice and save the theatre.”

    So, as you may have done a few years ago, please once again REGISTER SUPPORT FOR THE PANTAGES by writing to , and COPY YOUR E-MAIL to the Pantages Theatre Arts Society at

    Also, there are close to 3,000 members in our group but only 1,400 have signed the online petition –

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